- Multi-value pick-lists now can be driven by a CDT table or external data source. (http://docunect.wikidot.com/adminhelp:cabinets-in-v4-8)
- Added additional DocScript functions as well as an updated Lifecycle DocScript editor. (http://docunect.wikidot.com/lifecyclehelp:lifecycle-docscript-functions-v4-8)
- Added Microsoft Office integration to the Client Tools. (http://docunect.wikidot.com/userhelp:using-the-microsoft-office-integration-in-v4-8)
- Added TWAIN support for scanning in the Desktop Capture application. (http://docunect.wikidot.com/userhelp:using-desktop-capture-in-v4-8)
- Added image manipulation features in the Desktop
Capture application, such as page re-ordering, re-scanning/upload, rotation,
create new document from pages etc.
- Test new browser versions, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Firefox v38.0 and Google Chrome v43.0.
- Client tools tested in Windows v8.1.
More information, refer to our Component Compatibility guide.